Time: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Venue: Conference Room, Ground Floor, The Northcott Building, 1 Fennell Street, Parramatta
A special arrangement has been made to enable members and friends attending the Seminar to park in the Parramatta Leagues Club car park, thanks to the generosity of the Club management. Simply tell the security person at the car park entrance in Grose Street that you are attending the Polio NSW Seminar in the Northcott Building, and please park in the right-hand back corner of the car park. You can then enter the Northcott Building via the gate into its adjacent playground.
Refreshments: Morning tea and a light lunch will be provided (cost subsidised by Polio NSW)
Cost: $10 per person – please RSVP by Friday, 18 July 2014
If possible, please return the enclosed Registration Form with your payment to the Polio NSW Office by 18th July. Otherwise, you can pay when you arrive at the Seminar, however, if you elect to do this, you MUST still contact the Office by Friday 18th July to confirm your attendance so sufficient catering can be arranged.
9:30 am Registration
10:00 am Ms Jenny Ly – Senior Health Promotion Officer with Arthritis and Osteoporosis NSW – “Complimentary Medicines and Health Education”
11:00 am Morning Tea
11:30 am Mr Robert McLeod – CEO Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre – “The Work of SCIC and the Cochlear Implant”
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Emeritus Professor Barry Baker – Former Prof of Anaesthetics at Sydney University – “The Part Polio Played in the Formation of Intensive Care Units and Current Management of Ageing Polio Patients Particularly During Surgery”.
3:00 pm Close
Ms Jenny Ly is currently the Senior Health Promotion Officer at Arthritis and Osteoporosis NSW. Her role involves educating groups in the community and is largely focused on the range on Healthy Lifestyle Programs for people with arthritis or osteoporosis. Jenny is a pharmacist by profession and has a special interest in complementary medicines and health education.
Mr Robert McLeod has had many years as a banking and finance executive. He has been six years with Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre (SCIC), the last four as Chief Executive. SCIC is the third largest cochlear implant programme in the world.
Robert has a 17 year old son who was born profoundly deaf and who has 2 cochlear implants. Robert said this is a special reason for his involvement with SCIC.
Emeritus Professor Barry Baker graduated MBBS from the University of Queensland in 1963 and doctor of philosophy (DPhil) from Magdalen College in the University of Oxford in 1971. He has specialist qualifications in anaesthesia (FANZCA and FRCA) and in intensive care. He was reader in Anaesthesia, University of Queensland 1972 to 1975. Foundation Professor of Anaesthesia and of Intensive Care, University of Otago 1975 to 1992, and Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetics, University of Sydney 1992 to 2005. He is currently the Dean of Education for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. We very thrilled to learn that Barry was awarded an AM in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours: “For significant service to medicine, particularly to cardiovascular anaesthesia, to medical education, and to professional medical organisations”.
Barry also has a keen interest in the history of medicine. He has more than 200 publications in the academic and scientific literature on anaesthetic, physiological and historical topics.
All are welcome – we look forward to catching up with everyone on 23rd July 2014