Polio NSW is your organisation, founded and run by polio survivors to provide information and support to polio survivors, their carers and families in NSW and the ACT. Unfortunately, as vital as this work is, we do not receive any funding from the government or other bodies – we depend almost entirely on donations and bequests from members to fund our work. As our members age and increasingly leave the workforce, our annual income is shrinking at the same time that there is a greater call for our services. Please help yourself and your fellow polio survivors by donating below, either one-off or recurring, to support your organisation.

$13,015.00 donated
74 Donors

Why We Need Your Help

Over the last few years within the Annual Report I have referred to the very important role the extra donations play in the running of Polio NSW. For many years now membership fees alone have covered barely 25% of the running costs of the organisation but the Management Committee has been reluctant to increase fees by much in the realisation of the difficulty that would impose on some members. We aim to be as inclusive as possible, so to see any members disadvantaged or feeling they need to cancel their membership based on annual fees would be an unacceptable outcome. Necessarily however that means we must ask those members who are financially able to contribute a bit more for the overall good.

We certainly appreciate that not everyone is able to make a donation but equally really appreciate any amount that you choose to contribute. Your donation will help ensure that polio survivors, their families and carers in NSW and the ACT have access to information and support in the management of the late effects of polio.

In particular your donation can help to:

  • maintain an effective and viable organisation
  • provide for the employment of office and outreach personnel
  • assist in maintaining an effective support group network
  • develop further services for NSW/ACT polio survivors

Polio NSW is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Public Benevolent Institution and a Deductible Gift Recipient (ABN: 90 039 932 667) making all Australian donations of $2 and over tax deductible. Polio NSW issues an official receipt for all donations received.

Alan Cameron – Treasurer, Polio NSW

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